2022 A warm season

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The year 2022 is already over, and with a glance in the rearview mirror, we can look back on a busy but also exceptionally warm year. However, even in case of high temperatures, La Camillette remains an excellent place to celebrate holidays. The nearly 80 cm thick exterior walls ensure that it stays pleasantly cool inside, and of course, the covered terrace, the sun shower, and the hot tub also offer a welcome cooling, if desired.

For the new year 2023, we have many renovation plans. For example, the terrace in front of the main house will be replaced, and we will also start working indoors to re-tile the floors in the shower and toilet. We will keep you updated via this blog.

For now, we wish you a good start to 2023 and hope to see you this summer.

Jacques, Isabelle, Camille, and Juliette

P.S. For those wondering what it’s like in the winter at La Camillette, here are 2 photos taken in a typical winter atmosphere in and around the house. Each season has its own charm.

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