La Camillette Blog

Bonne Annee Lacam 2024

2023 Sustainability

We look back on 2023 with satisfaction as a year of many major and minor improvements in and around the house. The past year has…

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2022 A warm season

The year 2022 is already over, and with a glance in the rearview mirror, we can look back on a busy but also exceptionally warm…

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2021 Installation of the Hot Tub

Last season we built a new terrace in the garden with a view of the surrounding grass meadows. A real wood-fired hot tub has been…

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2020 To Covid or not to Covid

The past season was dominated by the covid epidemic and all the sanitary measures that accompanied it. The tourist season therefore went a little bit…

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2019 A fruitful year

2019 was a lovely season with many new guests and also familiar faces. During our own vacation, it was time for a fresh coat of…

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2018 Come rain come shine

Unbelievable, the new year can hardly be called new any more. 21 days, 11 hours and 52 minutes at this time of writing. Still, it…

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2017 Looking back at the season

2017 is already 2 weeks behind us and the new season is imminent. Much has changed in La Camillette over the past year. For example,…

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2016 More outdoor changes

In February, all the trees were pruned in the backyard. This was necessary because our fruit harvest had significantly declined in the past years. We’ve…

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2015 Looking back at the season

At the end of 2015 we look back on a busy and fun season. La Camillette was fully booked from May to September. This year we…

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2014 Renovation of the barn

In March 2014 we started with the renovation of the barn. After having withstood wind & rain for 2 centuries, the barn had unfortunately become…

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La Camillette

La Camillette

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